faircado https://faircado.com/ Wed, 29 May 2024 10:09:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://faircado.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-favicon-32x32.png faircado https://faircado.com/ 32 32 Faircado receives 3 million euros funding boost from World Fund https://faircado.com/media-mention/faircado-receives-3-million-from-world-fund/ Wed, 29 May 2024 10:09:17 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=8247 With a flurry of recent investment for Faircado, the round combines 1 million euros from World Fund, 1 million euros from Slush VC’s, and 150 thousand euros from Impact Shakers.

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With a flurry of recent investment for Faircado, the round combines 1 million euros from World Fund, 1 million euros from Slush VC’s, and 150 thousand euros from Impact Shakers.

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Berlin-Based Startup Closes €3 Million to Accelerate AI-Powered Second-Hand Shopping https://faircado.com/media-mention/3-million-to-accelerate-second-hand/ Wed, 29 May 2024 09:25:11 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=8244 Faircado, a trailblazing AI-powered second-hand shopping assistant, has successfully closed a €3 million pre-seed funding round. The investment was led by World Fund, Europe’s leading climate VC.

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Faircado, a trailblazing AI-powered second-hand shopping assistant, has successfully closed a €3 million pre-seed funding round. The investment was led by World Fund, Europe’s leading climate VC.

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Faircado raises $3M to nudge people to buy pre-owned goods https://faircado.com/media-mention/faircado-raises-3m/ Tue, 28 May 2024 14:05:51 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=8236 Berlin-based Faircado has built a browser extension that aims to solve the second-hand problem. The company wants to become the discovery layer for pre-owned goods, and has raised €3 million in a round led by World Fund. Accel, General Catalyst, Lightspeed Venture Partners, NEA, Northzone, BackBone Ventures, Earlybird, and Minc accelerator also participated.

The post Faircado raises $3M to nudge people to buy pre-owned goods appeared first on faircado.

Berlin-based Faircado has built a browser extension that aims to solve the second-hand problem. The company wants to become the discovery layer for pre-owned goods, and has raised €3 million in a round led by World Fund. Accel, General Catalyst, Lightspeed Venture Partners, NEA, Northzone, BackBone Ventures, Earlybird, and Minc accelerator also participated.

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Recycling Responsibly | Zero Waste Series #5 https://faircado.com/mag/zero-waste-series-5/ Fri, 29 Mar 2024 03:22:38 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7339 In this last post of our series covering the 5 R’s of Zero Waste, we are closing the loop on resource consumption by talking about Responsible Recycling. Ready to take your environmental commitment to the next level? Let’s dive into the key steps of how your journey towards Zero Waste can become a successful one […]

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In this last post of our series covering the 5 R’s of Zero Waste, we are closing the loop on resource consumption by talking about Responsible Recycling. Ready to take your environmental commitment to the next level? Let’s dive into the key steps of how your journey towards Zero Waste can become a successful one through and through.


Why Is Recycling Important?

While diligently following the first four R’s (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Repurpose) naturally reduces the amount of waste produced, they don’t eliminate it entirely. Responsible recycling plays a vital role in conserving resources. By recycling already existing materials like glass and metal, we reduce our dependence on virgin resources (e.g. trees, sand, new metals…) and therefore minimize our environmental impact. On top of that, recycling diverts waste from landfills and many recycled materials can be transformed into new products, such as plastic bottles that get turned into fleece.

Recycling Basics

However, recycling isn’t as simple as throwing everything in the blue bin. Different materials have varying recycling capabilities, and local guidelines might differ. Glass and metal, for example, can be recycled indefinitely without significant quality loss, creating a closed-loop system. Plastic, on the other hand, degrades with each recycling cycle, ultimately ending up in landfills.

To maximize the effectiveness of your recycling efforts, follow these essential tips:

  • Know your local guidelines: Different locations have varying rules regarding acceptable materials and sorting methods. Understanding your local guidelines ensures you recycle correctly and efficiently.
  • Sort and clean (lightly): While a thorough wash isn’t necessary and wastes water, ensure your recyclables are empty, dry, and sorted according to local instructions. This avoids contamination and facilitates efficient processing.
  • Compost food scraps: Food scraps account for a significant portion of landfill waste. Composting transforms them into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
  • Support companies using recycled materials: Make conscious choices by supporting brands and products that use recycled materials in their packaging and production. This incentivizes the use of recycled content and strengthens the circular economy.


Mastering Responsible Recycling

Here are some common misconceptions and lesser-known tips for recycling:

  • Cooked food doesn’t belong in organic waste: It attracts pests that can infest your compost and hinder proper composting.
  • Ditch biodegradable trash bags: While they decompose faster than regular plastic bags, their decomposition time is still too long for organic waste processing. Opt for paper bags or line your organic waste with old newspapers.
  • Oil belongs in designated collection points: Don’t pour it down the drain or discard it with regular waste. Look for designated oil collection points at supermarkets or recycling centers. Small leftovers of hardened oil can also be wiped out of the pan with a tissue and deposited in the regular trash.
  • Beware of the batteries: Most stores selling batteries collect them or provide information about designated drop-off locations. Most batteries contain various heavy metals and toxic chemicals such as mercury, lead, and lithium. These materials can be extremely harmful to the environment and human health if they leak or are improperly disposed of.


Remember, responsible recycling isn’t just about putting things in the right bin. It’s about understanding the bigger picture and making conscious choices throughout your daily life. We from Faircado want to help you with exactly that, by making sustainable shopping as accessible as possible. That’s why we came up with a browser-extension that looks for second-hand alternatives while browsing online. That way, you can instantly discover pre-loved alternatives without all the hassle. It’s a seamless way to make more conscious choices, save money, and reduce your environmental impact.

Want to check out our other articles around the 5 R’s of zero waste? Learn more about how to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Repurpose.

The post Recycling Responsibly | Zero Waste Series #5 appeared first on faircado.

Repurpose: Give Your Trash a New Life | Zero Waste Series #4 https://faircado.com/mag/zero-waste-series-4/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:57:02 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7337 Our exploration of the Zero Waste principles leads us to the fourth R: Repurposing. While the first three R’s focus on minimizing waste in the first place, repurposing empowers us to give a second life to items that might otherwise be discarded. Often referred to as “upcycling,” repurposing involves creatively transforming old items into something […]

The post Repurpose: Give Your Trash a New Life | Zero Waste Series #4 appeared first on faircado.

Our exploration of the Zero Waste principles leads us to the fourth R: Repurposing. While the first three R’s focus on minimizing waste in the first place, repurposing empowers us to give a second life to items that might otherwise be discarded. Often referred to as “upcycling,” repurposing involves creatively transforming old items into something entirely new and useful.


Reusing vs. Repurposing: What’s the difference?

While both repurposing and reusing aim to extend the life of an item and reduce waste, they differ in their approach.

Reusing involves utilizing an item for its original purpose, but potentially in a new context. For example, using a tomato sauce jar to store spices after finishing its original content.

Repurposing, however, involves transforming an item into something entirely new. This could involve taking an old sweater and turning it into a completely new piece of clothing, or using an old skateboard and turning it into a shelf.

Essentially, reusing gives an item a second life in its original form, while repurposing breathes new life into it as something completely different.


Our favorite upcycling ideas

When it comes to upcycling, the possibilities are endless and there is no approach too creative to be made a reality. Some of our favorite ideas include items most of us already have at home, and aren’t too hard to do yourself.


Many things in our household can easily be repurposed and made into shelves. With a little creativity items such as skateboards, old guitars, wineboxes, snowboards, … can be made into shelving space, with only a few tweaks.

upcycling idea #3: guitar corps as shelf upcycling idea #4: skateboards turned into shelf


upcycling idea #2: rake turned into glas holder

Glas holder

Some items don’t even need a lot of remodeling in order to be repurposed, such as this glas holder made out of an old rake. Simply remove the handle and mount it onto the wall – done.


Creative nightstandupcycling idea #1: bedstand from clothe hangers

For the creative minds amongst you, this idea might be right up your alley. Turning some old clothe hangers into a creative nightstand. With only a few screws and some fresh paint and planks of wood you have a unique interior piece.


Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to repurpose. Embrace the process, experiment, and have fun! These are just a few examples to get your creative juices flowing. With a little ingenuity, you can repurpose almost anything! Share your upcycled creations with friends and family, and inspire them to join you in the journey towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can make a difference, one repurposed item at a time.

And for everything new you bring into your life, Faircado is your partner in crime. We want to make sustainable shopping as accessible as possible. That’s why we came up with a browser extension that looks for second-hand alternatives while you’re browsing online. That way, you can instantly discover pre-loved alternatives without the hassle. It’s a seamless way to make more conscious choices, save money, and reduce your environmental impact.

Want to check out our other articles around the 5 R’s of zero waste? Learn more about how to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

The post Repurpose: Give Your Trash a New Life | Zero Waste Series #4 appeared first on faircado.

From Trash to Treasure – The Joy of Reusing | Zero Waste Series #3 https://faircado.com/mag/zero-waste-series-3/ Wed, 27 Mar 2024 10:51:55 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7335 Have you ever looked at an item and thought “This can’t be thrown away!”? You’re not alone! Reusing is the third R in the 5 R’s of zero waste, and it’s all about finding new life for things you already own. In this series of articles we delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: […]

The post From Trash to Treasure – The Joy of Reusing | Zero Waste Series #3 appeared first on faircado.

Have you ever looked at an item and thought “This can’t be thrown away!”? You’re not alone! Reusing is the third R in the 5 R’s of zero waste, and it’s all about finding new life for things you already own. In this series of articles we delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Each day we’ll tackle a different R, sharing practical tips and inspiration to reduce your environmental footprint and create a more sustainable future. Today: the joy of reusing.


Why is reusing items important?

Each item we reuse represents a small victory. By giving our belongings a second chance, we extend their lifespan, reduce the need to extract new materials and manufacture new products, both of which leave significant environmental footprints. Reusing items and thereby fostering the circular economy, conserves precious resources but also encourages creativity as we discover innovative ways to repurpose and reinvent what we own.


4 Top-Tips for Reusing Items

  1. Choose reusable items from the get-go: Single-use items are products that become trash only minutes after using. By selecting items that can be refilled, washed or recharged you also decrease your trash production and resource usage tremendously.
  2. Second-hand: Reusing doesn’t always mean that you have to be the one reusing your item. Buying products second-hand, trading them with friends or attending public swap parties make it possible for you to prolong the lives of your already used items. Tools like our browser extension from Faircado make it even easier for you. When you browse the internet for a product we pop up if there’s a second-hand alternative available for you. That way reusing items of others is possible even when shopping online.
  3. Upcycling: I’m sure you’ve heard of recycling, but what about upcycling? Upcycling is the art of taking old items and transforming them into new products without losing any of its original value or quality. It’s a great way to let your creativity flow and think about innovative ways to create something new out of what’s already there.
  4. Use what’s already there: Think about all the ways you don’t need a new product, because of the items you already find in your home. From reusable shopping bags, to water bottles, cutlery, packaging material to glass jars that can be reused as kitchen containers.


Reusing isn’t just about saving money or decluttering your space; it’s about embracing a more mindful and sustainable way of living. By taking the time to give our belongings a second life, we help foster a circular economy, reduce our environmental footprint, and tap into our creativity. So, the next time you reach for something new, take a moment to consider: “Could I reuse what I already have?”  And in case you want to bring something new into your life, consider doing it with Faircado. Because we want to make sure, that everything new you bring into your life, is as sustainable as possible. That’s why we came up with a browser extension that looks for second-hand alternatives while you’re looking for products online. That way, you can instantly discover pre-loved alternatives without all the hastle. It’s a seamless way to make more conscious choices, save money, and reduce your environmental impact.

Want to check out our other articles around the 5 R’s of zero waste? Learn more about how to Refuse, Reduce, Repurpose and Recycle.

The post From Trash to Treasure – The Joy of Reusing | Zero Waste Series #3 appeared first on faircado.

The Art of Reducing Your Consumption | Zero Waste Series #2 https://faircado.com/mag/zero-waste-series-2/ Tue, 26 Mar 2024 07:54:09 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7333 In this series of articles we delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Each day we’ll tackle a different R, sharing practical tips and inspiration to reduce your environmental footprint and create a more sustainable future. In part two of the Zero Waste series leading up to International […]

The post The Art of Reducing Your Consumption | Zero Waste Series #2 appeared first on faircado.

In this series of articles we delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Each day we’ll tackle a different R, sharing practical tips and inspiration to reduce your environmental footprint and create a more sustainable future. In part two of the Zero Waste series leading up to International Day of Zero Waste we’re tackling the art of reducing our consumption.


What Are the Benefits of Less Consumption?

Unlike many believe, Zero Waste is not about never consuming anything new ever again. It’s more about to minimize the things you acquire and bring into your life and to be more intentional about the purchases you make.

By choosing not to buy, you lessen the demand for raw materials needed for production, which helps preserve natural resources. Reduced consumption translates to less energy consumption and transportation required, as well as minimizing waste at all stages of the product lifecycle.

On a personal level, buying less (especially non-essential items) frees up significant amounts of money that can be saved or allocated towards other priorities. In order to refuse items, you are encouraged to assess your needs and make conscious choices about what is important enough for you to bring a new item into your life and consuming only what is necessary or aligns with your values. In return, owning fewer possessions minimizes clutter, reduces maintenance needs and frees up mental space. Decluttering your physical space is the next step in this journey, and it can unlock surprising benefits that extend beyond just a tidy home.


Tips for Decluttering

A great way to reset your consumption patterns is to declutter your belongings or make a regular routine of decluttering your wardrobe and other belongings. It can show you what items you aren’t using regularly, we realize what we actually own. When we own less, we tend to take better care of the remaining items, think twice before bringing a new purchase into our lives.

1. Don’t do it all at once

Make a game-plan what areas of your life you want to declutter and in what priority these should be tackled. Then go on tackling them one step after another. Possible categories to look into: books, digital clutter, home supplies, clothes, memoria…


2. Don’t keep things out of obligation

Never keep items, simply because you feel obliged that you should. Sometimes we are given gifts by people we really love, but the gift just isn’t for us. Not everything your grandma has ever passed onto you has to have a sentimental value. Of course, the things that are really important to you, have a sentimental value or bring back special memories should always be kept. And if you don’t like to see them on a regular basis, the memory-box might be exactly for you.


3. Make place for memories

Decluttering all too often seems like this rigid task, where you have to get rid off everything that isn’t 100% useful. By not allowing yourself exceptions, decluttering becomes this dreadful task. Keep a box or place for memories and nostalgic items – your hoody from college, the tricot of your favorite sport’s team, the ugly shirt from the bachelor’s party of your best friend…


4. Allow for special occasions

Similarly to the box of memories, keep a box of special occasion items, that you need regularly but not often enough to keep in your proximity. This can include dresses to attend to weddings, ski gear, carnival costumes… These are items that could also easily be rented out (or items you can lend out to friends) but if you already have them at home, you might as well keep them and take proper care of them until they break. At that point you can still consciously decide whether you want to replace them or not.


5. One in – One out

Practicing the simple idea of “Bring one new item into your life, let go of one item” is a great way to ensure that you are not accumulating lots of clutter and a great practice once you’ve already taken the initial step of decluttering your already-existing belongings.


6. Should I keep this?

There are many mantras you can follow when decluttering your space, some of the most famous ones are “Is this the best, the favorite or the most-useful?” if it doesn’t fall into any of these categories, it would be deposited. This mantra, however, doesn’t really allow for belongings with sentimental value. Following Mary Condo the question “Does it spark joy?” has become the global mantra of decluttering. Another question that can help you assess what to keep and what to ditch is the question “Would you contact an ex-partner to get this item back?” If the answers to these questions is “No”, then you should probably just let it go.


7. The “Maybe-Pile”

Put things that you are unsure about in a separate place. Give yourself a deadline, if you haven’t reached for an item in this box until then deadline comes around, everything that remains in the box can go.


8. The sunk-cost fallacy

Oftentimes we keep things, because we’ve already spent money on it and it seems like a waste of money to now give it away. Unfortunately, that’s not how money-spending works. The money is already spent, no matter whether you use it or not. The only difference is, that now it also clutters your physical and mental space. Trading the item for another or reselling it is a better way actually to get a financial benefit out of it.


9. Why would you like it now?

Remember that 99% of the time, you won’t suddenly start liking something that you have never even remotely liked before. Let go of things that maybe you bought because it was a trend or you wanted to fit in or a specific persona you wanted to be at some point, and embrace the items that make you uniquely you.


10. Put it into perspective

Decluttering can often feel like giving a part of yourself away. Remind yourself, what you can gain by letting go of certain things and visualize how much joy this could bring to a person that just doesn’t consider this item ‘fine’ but what actually love it and get proper usage out of it.


How to reduce my consumption

When reducing your consumption, decluttering what you already own is only one aspect. Now the question occurs, how to assess what new items to bring into your life. Here are 4 easy tips to help you reduce your consumption in the long-run.

  1. Create a wishlist for your next purchases
  2. Rent or borrow items instead of buying new
  3. Choose durable products that need less replacing
  4. Avoid impulse purchases – don’t make purchases without at least sleeping a few nights over it

Responsible consumption extends beyond refusing new purchases. We from Faircado want to make sure, that everything new you bring into your life, is as sustainable as possible. That’s why we came up with a browser extension that looks for second-hand alternatives while you’re looking for products online. That way, you can instantly discover pre-loved alternatives without all the hastle. It’s a seamless way to make more conscious choices, save money, and reduce your environmental impact.

Want to check out our other articles around the 5 R’s of zero waste? Learn more about how to Refuse, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.

The post The Art of Reducing Your Consumption | Zero Waste Series #2 appeared first on faircado.

How Refusal Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future | Zero Waste Series #1 https://faircado.com/mag/zero-waste-series-1/ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 10:09:49 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7324 Mark your calendars! International Day of Zero Waste is just around the corner, and this blog post series is your ultimate guide to embracing a lifestyle that minimizes waste and maximizes impact. In this series of articles we’ll delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Each day we’ll […]

The post How Refusal Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future | Zero Waste Series #1 appeared first on faircado.

Mark your calendars! International Day of Zero Waste is just around the corner, and this blog post series is your ultimate guide to embracing a lifestyle that minimizes waste and maximizes impact. In this series of articles we’ll delve into the 5 R’s of Zero Waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Each day we’ll tackle a different R, sharing practical tips and inspiration to reduce your environmental footprint and create a more sustainable future.
Today, we dive into the power of refusal. While it might seem like a small act, saying “no” to unnecessary purchases holds the key to unlocking a more sustainable future.


Why Is Refusing New Purchases Sustainable?

Refusing unnecessary items is the first step to changing the consumption cycle, as it prevents them fron entering it entirely. While we might think saying “No” to a jacket we see in the shopwindow is only a tiny step, eliminating the need for production, transportation, and eventual disposal, significantly reduces the overall environmental impact. This is far more potent than trying to manage the waste further down the line.

What’s more, refusing new purchases preserves many resources along the way like water, energy (for both production and disposal), raw materials but also your money and time. Since our current economic system thrives on relentless consumption, refusing unnecessary items, we break this cycle. And once you are used to refusing impulse purchases you will realize how small of a role shopping can play in your daily life and over time the urge to hunt the next dopamine hit decreases rapidly.


How To Start Consuming Less

1. No-Buy or Low-Buy Challenges

Instead of Fast-Fashion how about Fasting-Fashion? Choose a timeframe, during which you want to reduce your consumption. Maybe start small with a week or a month, then progress to longer challenges. Define what counts as a purchase and what type of consumption you want to allow yourself (e.g. still allowing yourself entertainment purchases such as a ticket to a movie…).
Challenges like these are perfect for embracing creative ways to rethink consumption. Think about ways to fulfill your material needs that are not a purchase – maybe you can borrow an item, or start a DIY project?

In order to stay motivated, track your progress. Monitor how much money you would have spent on shopping and put this money aside for a special activity that you plan out for yourself (not a shopping-spree obviously) or monitor the environmental impact to keep you motivated.


2. Think It Through

Before making a purchase, ask yourself the following questions

  • Do I need this?
  • Do I own something similar already? How would this new item benefit me differently?
  • Will I actually use this item?
  • Where will it go once I am done using this?

Further, in order to not chase instant dopamine hits from making a new purchase, delay the decision. Make an agreement with yourself, to not make any purchases without taking a few days in between to think it through properly.


3. Prioritize Experiences Over Purchases

Research has shown that people gain more happiness from the experiences, than from the physical possessions they have. By focusing on experiences, you create lasting memories that enrich your life. Plus, if you start gifting experiences you create bonding moments with the people around you and create shared memories together. Experiences don’t always mean having to spend money – look for hikes, free museums, community events or other free classes to take part in.


4. Unsubscribe From Marketing E-mails

You probably didn’t see this one coming, did you? When talking about refusing consumption most people ignore all the digital clutter that cramps up their life. Newsletters or other marketing e-mails are a tempting way to spend money on items you wouldn’t have wanted to begin with. Unsubscribing from certain newsletters or social media accounts decreases FOMO (the feat of missing out) and the urge to make purchases out of a place of scarcity.

E-mails also come with their own environmental footprint. Every email sent generates CO2, so unsubscribing minimizes your digital footprint and simultaneously frees up mental space that otherwise would’ve gone into sorting out your inbox.


5. Don’t Follow the Crowd

Think about what actually holds importance to you. Just because everyone is getting tons of Christmas gifts for their relatives, or buying an expensive designer item for Valentine’s day, doesn’t mean you have to. Instead of buying physical gifts that may not be used or appreciated, prioritize shared experiences that create lasting memories without generating waste. What’s more is that not everyone values material gifts equally. By prioritizing experiences, you can tailor the gift to your loved one’s genuine interests and preferences.


Refusing Is Just the First Step

Refusing unnecessary purchases is just the first step on your journey to a life with less waste. Stay tuned for the upcoming days as we dive into the remaining R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle. But your journey doesn’t stop there. Responsible consumption extends beyond refusing new purchases. We from Faircado want to make sustainable shopping as accessible as possible. That’s why we came up with a browser-extension that looks for second-hand alternatives while you’re looking for products online. That way, you can instantly discover pre-loved alternatives without all the hastle. It’s a seamless way to make more conscious choices, save money, and reduce your environmental impact.

Want to check out our other articles around the 5 R’s of zero waste? Learn more about how to Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.

The post How Refusal Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future | Zero Waste Series #1 appeared first on faircado.

6 Essential Feminist Books for International Women’s Day https://faircado.com/mag/feminist-books/ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:01:27 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7380 Navigating the complexities of the modern world can be a challenging experience, especially if you’re a woman. Societal expectations, ingrained biases, and a historical lack of representation create an environment where women’s needs and experiences are often overlooked or misunderstood. This curated list of books aims to address these issues by offering diverse perspectives from […]

The post 6 Essential Feminist Books for International Women’s Day appeared first on faircado.

Navigating the complexities of the modern world can be a challenging experience, especially if you’re a woman. Societal expectations, ingrained biases, and a historical lack of representation create an environment where women’s needs and experiences are often overlooked or misunderstood. This curated list of books aims to address these issues by offering diverse perspectives from various female authors. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, historical context, or a different perspective, these books expose all the subtle and not-so-subtle ways women’s needs are often overlooked in our world.


cover of "invisible women" by Caroline Perez“Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias In A World Designed For Men” by Caroline Perez

This book shows that we live in a world designed for men that systemically discriminates against women. With overwhelming statistics, Perez exposes the prevalent gender-data gap in countless fields, including medicine, technology, and urban planning. From smaller inconveniences, such as a phone that is too big for your hand, to severe consequences, such as being prescribed a drug that’s wrong for your body or being 47% more likely to be injured in a car accident. The staggering evidence will blow your mind and make you rethink everything you thought you knew.



“Difficult Women: A History Of Feminism In 11 Fights” by Helen Lewis"Difficult women" y Helen Lewis

Well-behaved women don’t make history: difficult women do. Taking the story up to the present with the twenty-first-century campaign for abortion services, Lewis reveals the unvarnished history of women’s rights. Drawing on archival research and interviews, this book is a funny and shocking history that shows why the feminist movement has succeeded – and what it should do next.




bookcover of Emily Nagoski's "Come as you are" about female sexuality“Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski

This book presents a new way of thinking about sex and desire that challenges the traditional male-centric narrative. Based on rigorous scientific research, Nagoski challenges societal myths and delivers a fresh perspective on women’s sexual well-being. Every woman has her unique sexuality, shaped by biology, personal experiences, and culture. An empowering must-read for every woman.




“More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument, Not An Ornament” by Lindsay Kite & Lexie Kite book cover of "More than a body" by the Kite-Sisters

From media consumption to health and fitness to self-reflection and self-compassion, the Kite twin sisters share powerful and practical advice that goes beyond “body positivity”. They help you develop body image resilience. All while cutting through the empty promises sold by media, advertisers, and the beauty and weight-loss industries.




Cover of "Ain't i a woman" by bell hooks“Ain’t I A Woman” by Bell Hooks

A groundbreaking work of feminist history and theory analyzing the complex relations between various forms of oppression. In this book African-American author Bell Hooks examines the impact of sexism on black women during slavery, the historic devaluation of black womanhood, black male sexism, racism within the recent women’s movement, and black women’s involvement with feminism.




“Uncanny Valley” by Anna WienerCover of Anna Wiener's Memoir "Uncanny Valley"

Part coming-age-story, part portrait of an already-bygone era, Anna Wiener’s memoir is a rare first-person glimpse into reckless startup culture at a time of unchecked ambition, unregulated surveillance, wild fortune, and accelerating political power. Uncanny Valley is a cautionary tale of a world reckoning with consequences its designers are only beginning to understand.



Imagine a world where the products we use, the research we rely on, and the stories we hear all reflect the diverse experiences of women. This curated list of books is a step towards that world. By offering a platform for female voices, we open doors to understanding, empathy, and, ultimately, a future where women can thrive. Ready to learn more? Discover them all on Faircado! Connecting you with the best secondhand offers to find these books in seconds is a personal matter to us, not just on International Women’s Day!

The post 6 Essential Feminist Books for International Women’s Day appeared first on faircado.

10 Free Browser Extensions That Will Save You Money Online https://faircado.com/mag/10-free-browser-extensions/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:18:26 +0000 https://faircado.com/?p=7319 Buying second-hand is one of the easiest ways to save money on items while also benefitting the environment. That’s exactly what you can do with Faircado, which prioritises sustainable shopping.

The post 10 Free Browser Extensions That Will Save You Money Online appeared first on faircado.

Buying second-hand is one of the easiest ways to save money on items while also benefitting the environment. That’s exactly what you can do with Faircado, which prioritises sustainable shopping.

The post 10 Free Browser Extensions That Will Save You Money Online appeared first on faircado.
